PHP memcached on OSX Lion

Having set up the PHP memcache extension on my mac yesterday I now need the PECL memcached extension to use with Zend_Cache. This one was a little more involved than yesterday so here is a quick list of things you'll need to do. My first instinct was to use PECL to get the extension but doing that told me that there was an unmet dependancy so it couldn't be installed. The missing dependancy was libmemcached, here's what you need to do to get libmemcached setup: First go to and download the latest libmemcached (1.0.4 at the time of writing), once downloaded extract the archive and then open up a terminal window and cd to the new libmemcached-1.x.x directory. Now enter the commands below into the terminal window one at…
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PHP memcache extension on OSX Lion

Today I needed the PHP memcache extension on my Mac OSX Lion 10.7.3 development machine for a project I'm working on. I was pleased to find out that this was a nice and easy one to get up and running. Open up a terminal window and run the command below, this will tell PECL to download, build and install the extension. [crayon-67175a0d421dc122994083/] Now that the extension is installed on your system, you need to enable it in your PHP configuration file. On a standard system the php.ini file can be found at /etc/php.ini. Open the file and scroll down to the extensions section, at the bottom of this section add the line and then save and close the file. After that, all that is required is for you to…
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PECL UUID extension on Mac OSX

Today I needed to set up the PECL UUID PHP module on my Mac OSX 10.7 Lion development machine, I needed it for a project that I'm working on. My first reaction was to fire up terminal and run sudo pecl install uuid. It all looked good for a moment but then came to a grinding halt when 'make' failed. Here is the error for reference (and for those searching snippets of it): [crayon-67175a0d42648849710243/] After a bit of googling I found out what the problem was and a solution to it. The full explanation and solution can be found here: I can confirm that the patch and build worked on my set up (OSX 10.7 Loin) and I hope by spreading the word it some more people out.
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