Installing and setting up PEAR

Mac, PHP
This post will help you get PEAR installed and up and running on your machine, there are two options to below, one describes an OXS Lion specific setup and the other is more generic. Installing on OSX 10.7 Lion OSX Lion already has the PEAR install bundle so there is no need to download it, open up a terminal window and enter the following commands: [crayon-67baa84547b86104663665/]   Downloading and installing Do not follow this part if you have just done the above steps. Otherwise enter the below into a terminal window: [crayon-67baa84547b8d734343715/] It will ask you to enter a new installation base ($prefix). I recommend you use /usr/local   Configuring PHP include path Edit /etc/php.ini and find the line: ;include_path = ".:/php/includes". Uncomment it (remove the ; at the beginning) and add the PEAR path to…
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